ATTENTION ALL RAIDERS: Please help our community senior citizens by donating new or clean, gently used blankets. The drive is sponsored by our Junior BETA Club. Blankets can be dropped off in Mrs. Vickers’ room (#10). The drive will last through January 31 when they will be donated to Senior Citizen, Inc.
6th-8th Grade baseball tryouts will take place on 1/25/17 at the Chatham Campus Baseball Field at 7:00. If you are interested in participating in baseball this spring, please plan to be there. This is not a SPAL sport and will be run primarily by parent coaches and will also not be subject to the sport fees of the school run sports. The teams will be playing in the Garden City League.
If you have any questions, please email Josh Nokes (
Wrestling and Basketball players: Please come by the school office to pick up a picture form. Pictures will be taken on Tuesday, January 17th.
The Spelling Bee will take place during Chapel next Wednesday, January 18th. The Spelling Bee Representatives for the 2016-2017 school year are:
Sixth Grade: Jamie Stephens, Joshua Skalla, Kush Patel, Parker McCoy, Jep Hudspeth, Ashlyn Campbell, Ava Tome and Zach Pinyan.
Seventh Grade: Alayna Wilson, Andrew Medlin, Will Baker, Ryan Brown, Kaitlyn Underwood, Dhruv Patel, Tristan Murray, Noah Eastman, Blaze Sigler and Nick Chafin.
Eighth Grade: Sam Taylor, Griffin Simmons, Iker Pobo, Matthew Sommers, Cam Dean, Ishika Patel, Ella Murns, Blaze Bahnfleth, Alli DeYoung and Brendan Landers.
Sixth Grade: Jamie Stephens, Joshua Skalla, Kush Patel, Parker McCoy, Jep Hudspeth, Ashlyn Campbell, Ava Tome and Zach Pinyan.
Seventh Grade: Alayna Wilson, Andrew Medlin, Will Baker, Ryan Brown, Kaitlyn Underwood, Dhruv Patel, Tristan Murray, Noah Eastman, Blaze Sigler and Nick Chafin.
Eighth Grade: Sam Taylor, Griffin Simmons, Iker Pobo, Matthew Sommers, Cam Dean, Ishika Patel, Ella Murns, Blaze Bahnfleth, Alli DeYoung and Brendan Landers.
January 16–Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
January 20–PTF Box Top Collection (last day to earn NUT cards)
Middle School PTF
Snapshots and Happenings
Happy Birthday, Mr. Crosby!
Construction progress on our new middle school building continues. From left to right, Rick Tindol, Dr. Chris Harmon, Don Cogdell, Dan Pinyan, Sr., Matt Dowling, Dan Pinyan, Jr., Billy Anderson, and Mike Crosby.
7th grade English students check out our new modular, 21st century media center furniture.
Art students tackle migajon.
Clay Hining, youth minister at Compassion Christian Church in Savannah, speaks at Wednesday’s chapel program.
Not quite ready to take down the Christmas tree, Ms. Bond’s 7th grade English students wanted to turn it into a tree honoring the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. You can see some of the decorations being added…a few of Ms. Bond’s favorite quotes from the civil rights leader have already been added. Students will analyze MLK’s “I Have a Dream Speech” and provide in-text citations to support their writing in class. In-text citations helps students give credit to the source they are citing, allows the reader to find the student’s research, and gives the writer a sense of authority to build his or her own ideas around research.
Ms. Dudley’s Algebra I students work on calculating percents.