Thank you for the many ways you made our Christmases brighter! We appreciate each expression of kindness that you made possible. The faculty and staff join in wishing you God’s best blessings in 2012.
Spread the Word! If you have friends with school aged children, would you invite them to one of our upcoming Open Houses? They will be at the Chatham Parkway campus on Tuesday, January 31 and at DeRenne on Wednesday, February 1. Both will begin at 9:00am in the Media Center. The one hour presentation will let our guests meet our Headmaster, Roger Yancey, tour the classrooms and receive answers to any questions they may have. Thank you for referring your family and friends to us! You are our best “voice” in Savannah!
Fifth Grade Basketball: Under the leadership of Asst. Athletic Director, Julie Jones, fifth grade basketball teams have again been formed for both boys and girls. More than 50 children tried out for the teams, so many that two boys’ teams and one girls’ team were formed. Their season will run until February 2. They will play other fifth grade teams in the Savannah Parochial Athletic League. The girls will be coached by Marshall Wood, an US teacher and Cross Country/Track Coach. The boys’ teams will be under the leadership of dads, Doug Hawkins and Chip Lane. Home games will take place in the Eckburg Center and the Upper School Gym. Come out and support our teams! You can find the schedule on our website at The schedule is under “Athletics” and titled “5th Grade Basketball Schedule 2012”.
Re-enrollment: It’s that time of year once again! Your children are blessings to us, and our prayer is that we will have the honor of working with each currently enrolled Pre Kindergarten through Grade 4 student during the 2012-2013 school year. Re-enrollment forms were sent home a few weeks ago. They are also available in our Business Office, as well as on our website. Your completion of this form helps us greatly as we make staffing and class plans for the upcoming school year. Re-enrollment forms are due on Thursday, January 19.
Fifth Grade Visit to Middle School: Fifth graders will continue an SCPS tradition on Friday, January 6, when they visit the Middle School on the DeRenne campus! Mr. Mike Crosby, principal, and his staff, are excited about welcoming our soon-to-be 6th graders for an introductory glance at “all things Middle School”. Students will depart the Chatham Parkway campus at 8:30 and will return in time to have lunch.
Student Holidays: Friday, 1/13 – Professional Development Day and Monday, 1/16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Spelling Bee: We are delighted that your children will have the opportunity to participate in the Scripps Spelling Bee again this year. All children in Grades 1 through 5 will participate. We see this as an opportunity to underscore the importance on spelling, a skill that will serve your children well throughout their lives. The schedule for the Spelling Bees is as follows:
- Classroom Spelling Bees (CP/DA) will occur during the week of January 9-12
- Grade-Level Spelling Bees(CP/DA) will be held on Thursday, January 19 at the following times: 9:00 – Grade 1, 9:30 – Grade 2, 10:00 – Grade 3, 10:30 – Grade 4, 11:00 – Grade 5. (The two top winners from each class will participate.)
- A School-wide Spelling Bee (CP/DA) for Grades 4th and 5th will occur on Wednesday, January 25 at the DeRenne campus. The winners will progress on to the Georgia Independent School Bee.
Bullying Awareness: Counselor, Mrs. Cindy Burnsed, has provided two lessons to each class this fall on bullying behavior. The emphasis has been on what it is, why people bully and steps to take if you observe someone being bullied. To identify how frequently bullying behavior occurs in our Lower School, students in Grades 2 through 5 have just participated in a computer survey. The results will help teachers and administrators identify the bullying behaviors that may be occurring at school. The students are also given the opportunity to anonymously report any bullies. Our goal is to have love and care prevail in a bully-free environment.
Congratulations to Mrs. Mandy Garola’s fifth grade class for being recognized twice in December for their outstanding work – once at the state level! In October the class entered the Atlanta Zoo’s Year of the Turtle Contest, creating a puppet show that featured an endangered species of turtle. The students wrote the script, a variation of The Tortoise and the Hare, and created the scenery and puppets. Their creation was chosen as second best in the state! This 5th grade class also designed a “Christmas Candy Lane” gingerbread house, with the assistance of parent volunteers. Their entry took First Place in the Children’s Division of the Savannah Harbor Foundation contest! Great work, Mrs. Garola and students!
Barnabas: The Barnabas characteristic for January is Diligent. With diligence (a steady effort), we are able to exercise (work out) our Christian faith and achieve God’s purpose in our lives. “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58