The vision of one consolidated campus is a small step closer to being made a reality thanks to work done by two great local companies, Thomas & Hutton Engineering and Whitaker Laboratory. Both companies have been instrumental in providing leadership services to SCPS in preparation for construction for the merger of DeRenne Avenue and Chatham Parkway campuses. Donald Martin, member of the Board of Trustees and leader of the Construction committee is also employed by Whitaker Laboratory as an environmental professional. Mr. Martin had this to say about the early stages of preparation.
“The rudimentary soil and groundwater testing begun this week by Whitaker Laboratory, Inc., however simplistic and elementary in appearance, has sounded the trumpet call for the beginning of campus consolidation. The data derived from the groundwater percolation testing and subsurface geotechnical soil borings will provide the data needed to start the pre-construction engineering and permitting for the upgrading of campus grounds, construction of new sports fields and placement of academic classroom expansion in order to bring our DeRenne Students to Chatham Parkway. ‘Tomorrow Begins Today’ literally began this past Monday, and it is a wonderful time to be a part of Savannah Christian Prep.”
Stephanie Webb, Carole Tholen, and Amanda Wilson are each serving on the “Tomorrow Begins Today” capital campaign. They along with Darlene Tyler, Director of Institutional Advancement, joined Donald Martin and the site engineer to learn more about the testing underway and the other locations surveyed by Thomas & Hutton Engineering.