Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Upper School yearbook staff who have just been notified of a national level award! The “Foundations” themed yearbook won for “Best Sports Coverage” as well as a First Place ranking in the American Scholastic Press Association annual yearbook competition. Approximately 500 schools competed nationally and our very own Miracle yearbook took the award for the best sports pages in the country! Perfect scores were received in the areas of “General Page Design” as well as “Creativity”.
It is the mission of the Miracle staff to bring honor and glory to God and our school through their hard work. The 2014-15 Miracle staff includes Rebecca Wright (editor), Madison Hayes, William Vaughan, Sarah Floyd, Katlyn Durrence, Shelby Todd, Sarah Katula, Eli Nelson, Ellie Cunningham, Jacob Sheley, Amanda Sandnes, Faiza Yousuf, and Mrs. Cheree Edenfield, adviser.