Thinking BLUE: We begin October with the realization that God has made possible what seemed to be the impossible… The Lower School has been named a National Blue Ribbon School! The announcement was made by Secretary of Education, Mr. Arne Duncan, on September 15. You have received a letter that explains a little about the process and the criteria used to identify the top private schools in the country. If yours did not make it to your home, please contact the office and we will get it to you. To learn more, feel free to visit the following websites:
We are looking for ways to help make this honor tangible for the children. If you have any ideas of activities or ways of celebrating their achievement, please be in touch with me! Our faculty and staff are making suggestions, too!
Super Saturday: This day of family fun will begin at 10:00 with the singing of all children in the Lower School. Please bring your child to the front of the cafeteria about 9:50. Mrs. Shaw will be there, ready to lead and direct the singing!
Report Cards: Wednesday, October 19, the first quarter Report Cards will be sent home! Your child has worked hard for nine weeks and the results of those efforts will soon be visible! Please be sure to place your primary emphasis on what your child has done well. If there is an area that evidences a need, establish a plan to help correct it – have him/her attend the teacher’s study group, regularly check NetClassroom for grades, consult the teacher’s webpage, ask for a conference, and/or visually check the homework to be sure it has all been completed. Ultimately, what you value, your child will, as well. I’ve never met a child who didn’t want to please his parents!
Lower School Parent Conference Day: It is important that we join ranks to give your child our best efforts. Please plan to come to meet your child’s teacher on Tuesday, October 11! Just contact the teacher to request an appointment time.
Assessing and Meeting Needs: During these first weeks of school we have taken several steps to determine children’s possible needs. The Slingerland assessment was given to all children in Grade 2, to identify anyone with a need in the area of language function. Children in Grades 2-5 have taken the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), to measure their current reading lexile. Pre-K children have had their eyes, ears and dental needs assessed by the Speech and Hearing Clinic. If a child is found to have a need in one of those areas, parents are quickly contacted.
Staff Development and the Pursuit of Excellence: During the past few weeks your teachers and administrators have sought out ways to increase our knowledge and skills. Dr. Judy Sturgess has come to present strategies for Differentiated Instruction to our faculty. She will also lead a workshop during the afternoon of October 11. Several SCPS educators recently attended a workshop on “Implementing Writer’s Workshop” presented by the Coastal Savannah Writing Project at AASU. Peer observations will occur soon, giving teachers the opportunity to better appreciate the professional strengths within our own staff.
Barnabas: The Barnabas characteristic for October is being Not Fearful. Fear is a natural emotion and there are things in our environment of which we should be cautious. However, children are often frightened by imaginary things or by concerns that are unrealistic. Fear has been explained as False Evidence Appearing Real. God speaks to these concerns by reminding us that He “did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind,” II Timothy 1:7. If you find your children frightened by something they have seen or imagined, it may be comforting to remind them of God’s words in Psalm 56:3 – “What time I am afraid, I will have confidence and put my trust… in You.” We may be certain that He is with us, 24/7, and ever watching over us.