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Dear Parents,

The 2011 – 2012 school year is off to a wonderful start. We have 549 beautiful blessings from God as students this year. The enrollment is up at both campuses, including a brand new Pre-Kindergarten class at the DeRenne Avenue campus. Also new this year, the grade level teachers are teaching Bible each morning at the beginning of the school day. There are also a few new staff members and internal changes. We are excited about a new year and look forward to the many blessings that are in store.

New Staff Members

Tracy Brown, Kindergarten Teaching Assistant Chatham Parkway
Alison Brunson, Kindergarten (Chatham Parkway)
Mandy Garola, Fifth Grade (Chatham Parkway)
Michelle Gray, Art (CP and DeRenne)
Amy Martin, Kindergarten Teaching Assistant (DeRenne Avenue)
Jennifer Meyer, Pre-Kindergarten (Chatham Parkway)

Internal Changes in Position

Troy Brantley, Physical EducationDeRenne Avenue
Cindy Beaver, Pre-Kindergarten (DeRenne Avenue)
Kim Hayes, Pre-Kindergarten (Chatham Parkway)
Cathy Joyce, Third Grade (DeRenne Avenue)
Monica Lewis, Spanish (DeRenne Avenue)
Theresa Sinclair, Kindergarten (DeRenne Avenue)

*Lindsey Van Puffelen, Administrator, Spanish and Latin (Chatham Parkway)
Administrator and Latin (DeRenne Avenue)

Moms in Touch: A weekly prayer meeting will be held for one hour, where all parents and grandparents at SCPS are welcome to either or both meetings all year long.  Meetings at Chatham Parkway will be held at 1:45 on Thursdays in the Art classroom in the Akins Building. At DeRenne Avenue, the meetings will be in the Lower School Computer Lab on Wednesdays at 8:30 am.  Moms, dads and grandparents of any SCPS student are encouraged to participate in Moms in Touch meetings.  We appreciate any time you can give to seek the Lord in prayer on behalf of the entire SCPS family.

SCPS Raiders 1st Home Football Game of the 2011 Season: The first home football game of the 2011 season will be Friday, September 9th, at 7:30 at Garden City Stadium.  All SCPS students have been given 2011-2012 student identification cards.  These cards entitle each student to free admission at regular season home games.  To see the complete Varsity Football Schedule, as well as information about other fall sports schedules, visit the SCPS website,, under the Quick Links drop down menu.

Open House: The Chatham Parkway Parent Teacher Fellowship will host Open House on Monday, September 19th, at 7:00 in the Eckburg Center.  Not only will there be an opportunity to meet the 2011-2012 PTF Officers, but you will also have the opportunity to visit in your child’s classroom and view samples of the their good work.

Student Outreach: The first Student Outreach project for the 2011- 2012 school year is the 12 x 12 Love Project. Under the leadership of advisors, Amy Perry and Fran Strauch, the Lower School is partnering with the 12 x 12 Love Project to build a house in Guatemala.  Donations to support this global outreach effort will be collected August 29th – September 2nd.  For more information, please contact Mrs. Perry,, Mrs. Strauch,, or visit the 12 x 12 Love Project’s website,

Jekyll Island Field Trip: The annual 5th Grade Jekyll Island field trip is September 28th – 30th.  This exciting field trip offers hands-on learning and cooperative experiences.  Fifth grade parents will soon receive additional information from their teachers.

Barnabas: The Barnabas Characteristic for August and September is Caring/Compassion.  Ephesians 4:32 tells us, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you…live a life of love.”  When we are compassionate, we feel the joys and hurts of others.  Jesus is our best example of this kind of love.  At the September 28thchapel at DeRenne Avenue and the September 30th chapel at Chatham Parkway, a student from each class (grades 2nd – 5th)will be recognized for having love and compassion for others.