Dear Raider Family,
To say that I, and my family, are excited to join Raider Nation is an understatement. In our short time in the City of Savannah and on the job, we have found a place where a vibrant tradition of passion for Savannah Christian Preparatory School is evident. Everybody we have met has welcomed us with the southern hospitality for which this city is known. We certainly look forward to having you in our home as we get to know our new SCPS Family.
As we begin this new year, let me share a couple of commitments that I would like to make to you from the start.
Committed to Relationships
I believe learning truly occurs in the context of loving, nurturing relationships where parents, students and teachers genuinely care for one another. While rules are important for the general order and well-being of the school, it is relationships, not rules, that capture one’s heart and mind. We are not defined by the pronouns “us” and “them.” Teachers, parents, students and school leadership will work together to create a thriving and loving atmosphere for our children. While we may not always agree, adults will model and value honest interactions over conflict. Savannah Christian Prep is a community experiencing life together with a sense of unity as a family.
Committed to Develop Thinkers and Scholars
I believe in a rigorous learning environment in which students grow to think critically and independently in preparation for higher levels of learning. Learning something just to pass a test is not critical thinking nor scholarship. Students will be pushed to look at every angle; to think and reason as we endeavor to keep Christ as center of our school, to uphold the purpose of Christ in our lives and to live a life committed to the truths of the faith. Our culture will be one in which we “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” Our ultimate goal is to educate children with an eternal perspective.
Committed to Trust
I believe trust is a hallmark of healthy, growing relationships. Trust complements the school and parent relationship. Savannah Christian Prep will operate in a transparent manner. We will communicate truthfully and operate with integrity. Questions and concerns from all constituencies will be addressed thoroughly and in a timely manner.
Committed to Staff
I will continue to seek staff that is highly qualified, who have a personal relationship with Christ and who are passionate about teaching students. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students for college and life. The staff of SCPS is responsible for preparing our students academically, as well as helping them understand their biblical worldview; that is, what they believe, why they believe it. Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students for college and life.
Committed to Serve
I believe we serve others because Christ first served us. In response to God’s great love for us, we desire to develop genuine hearts of service. This means treating others better than self and demonstrating Christ’s love in everything we say and do. An attitude of service will hopefully permeate our campus. From the guests who enter our doors to the individuals we may meet in our community, I am committed to an attitude of service.
Whether you are new this year to Savannah Christian Prep or have been here for many years, I encourage you to get involved with one of our PTF organizations, fine arts and athletic booster clubs, or one of the many areas of interest. If you don’t know how to get involved, please ask. I am the new guy, and I will be asking lots of questions, too, as I am here to serve our Savannah Christian Prep community.
With Raider Pride!
Chris Harmon, Ed.D.
Follow me on Twitter @SCPSharmon