- Beginning November 15 boys will be required to wear ties.
- Thanksgiving Holidays: Monday, 11/21 through Friday 11/25
- Fall Sports Banquet: November 14, 6:30 p.m., Middle School gym. This will be a no homework night so that as many of our athletes as possible may attend!
- December 1–8th graders visit the US for orientation
- Note: The Middle School will not be required to make up any school days missed due to Hurricane Matthew. Enough instructional time is built in to the master schedule to accommodate for this.
- Middle School Dance Info:
- Grandparents Day Information:We hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday, November 16 in the Middle School gym. See the flyer below:
Early Year Special Pricing. Order by Friday September 30th for this price. Total cost will increase by $5 for the remainder of the Fall Semester Order Period (through 12/31/16).
Yearbook order form: orderform-1
Parents, the “ReplayIt” link below will show you how to submit photos to the middle school for possible use in the yearbook. Contact Josh Kerkau at jkerkau@savcps.com.
- Q2 Exams:
Before we know it, the end of the first semester will be here. We wanted to share this important information about exams so you may start planning.
Exams will be administered in the morning and should conclude by 12:00 each day. These are not official half days of school for the middle school, but students may be checked out early and be counted present for the day. Lunch will be served and buses will run as usual at regular dismissal. Students who are not checked out will participate in enrichment activities until the end of the school day. If your child does not have exams on a particular day, he/she is not required to attend (nonattendance will not be counted).
Thursday, December 15 Exams for periods 1 and 5
Friday, December 16 Exams for periods 2 and 4
Monday, December 19 Exams for periods 3 and 6
Tuesday, December 20 Make up for exams (attendance not required if all exams have been completed.)
If your child will be picked up by someone other than you the parent, please send a note to your child’s HR teacher.
Snapshots and Happenings
Dr. Harmon speaks to a group of parents about the upcoming campus merger.
Art students write across the curriculum–sea creature narratives!
Special “thanks” to Mr. Kerkau for sharing at chapel Wednesday and sharing his message on unanswered prayers and God’s love for us.
Ms. Davis’s American History classes created “Help Wanted” posters as they studied Christopher Columbus’s journey to the New World.