2 Corinthians 9:11
“You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.”
SCPS MS wishes
all of our Raiders and their families
a blessed Thanksgiving.
- Beginning November 15 boys will be required to wear ties.
- Semester 2 elective course requests will be available soon through Jupiter. We are offering a new Initiatives class called “The Broadcaster”. Be sure to read the description in the email attachments sent via Jupiter.
- Thanksgiving Holidays: Monday, 11/21 through Friday 11/25
- December 1–8th graders visit the US for orientation
A note from Ms. Dixon, counselor: On Thursday, December 1, our 8th grade students will be spending most of the day at Chatham Parkway learning about their transition to high school next year– it will be here before we know it! I am excited about the day for them and to start the conversation about high school and what to expect/ how to prepare.Some housekeeping items:1) If your student normally shuttles over to DeRenne in the mornings, he or she will remain at Chatham Parkway instead of riding to DeRenne just to get back on the bus and shuttle back. Otherwise, their afternoon routes will remain the same as they will come back to DeRenne after lunch for their sixth period class.2) We will be eating lunch at the main campus. They can either use a lunch ticket or bring their own lunch.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out: edixon@savcps.com
- Note: The Middle School will not be required to make up any school days missed due to Hurricane Matthew. Enough instructional time is built in to the master schedule to accommodate for this.
- Middle School Dance Info:
For middle school dances girls may wear dresses with straps, but the straps should be 3 fingers wide. Dress length should follow the fingertip rule as with uniform skirts.Boys are encouraged to wear ties. No shorts and no jeans.
FEMA Disaster Assistance Flyer
Early Year Special Pricing. Order by Friday September 30th for this price. Total cost will increase by $5 for the remainder of the Fall Semester Order Period (through 12/31/16).
Yearbook order form: orderform-1
Parents, the “ReplayIt” link below will show you how to submit photos to the middle school for possible use in the yearbook. Contact Josh Kerkau at jkerkau@savcps.com.
- Q2 Exams:
Before we know it, the end of the first semester will be here. We wanted to share this important information about exams so you may start planning.
Exams will be administered in the morning and should conclude by 12:00 each day. These are not official half days of school for the middle school, but students may be checked out early and be counted present for the day. Lunch will be served and buses will run as usual at regular dismissal. Students who are not checked out will participate in enrichment activities until the end of the school day. If your child does not have exams on a particular day, he/she is not required to attend (nonattendance will not be counted).
Thursday, December 15 Exams for periods 1 and 5
Friday, December 16 Exams for periods 2 and 4
Monday, December 19 Exams for periods 3 and 6
Tuesday, December 20 Make up for exams (attendance not required if all exams have been completed.)
If your child will be picked up by someone other than you the parent, please send a note to your child’s HR teacher.
Snapshots and Happenings
Grandparents’ Day
Drama students get ready for Grandparents’ Day performance.
8th grade physical science work together on electron diagramming.