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Save the Date

  • Barnabas Lunch Treat (B. L. T.):  November 14
  • NEHS’s Operation Christmas Child Collection Week: November 14-18
  • Book Fair: November 14-18
  • Cub Scout Parent Information Night: Tuesday, November 15 at 6:30 pm
  • Second Quarter Midterm:  November 16 (see the below “Did You Know” section for more information)
  • Grandparents’ Days: November 17 and 18
  • Thanksgiving Holidays:  November 21-25
  • Breakfast with Santa: December 10

Good News

  • SCPS students cast their vote!  On Tuesday, November 8th, students in grades 1-5 learned about the voting process.  Each student was given a voter registration card to check in with the poll workers.  Students were then able to cast their vote for the next President of the United States!  Fifth grade teacher Tracy Brown coordinated a fun and memorable event for all!  Some of the SCPS fifth grade poll workers were even able to “Facetime” with Donald Trump, Jr. 

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  • Lower School Counselor Cindy Burnsed along with Middle School Counselor Emily Dixon attended the Georgia School Counselor Association’s annual conference.   The conference opening session was led by former counselor and current author, Julia Cook.  Julia encouraged the counselors to help our children learn to GRIT it out!  The conference provides a great opportunity for professional development (and a little fun)  for our school counselors! 


  • Mrs. Wigand’s third grade class enjoyed lunch from Chick Fil A by having the highest percentage of participation at Family Fun Night!  Watch for the save the date for the spring event!  We would love to see you there!  

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Christ in Action

  • The National Elementary Honor Society members will be collecting shoeboxes filled with toys, toothbrushes, crayons, pencils, socks, stuffed animals, and other school supplies  for Operation Christmas Child.  There will be tables set up in each lower school building November 14th through the 18th.


What’s Coming Soon?

  • Grandparents’ Days are almost here!  On Thursday, November 17, Eckburg will fill with the joyful noises of our PreKindergarten (9:00 am), Kindergarten (9:45 am), First Grade (10:30 am), and Second Grade (11:15 am). The older students will present their musical stylings on Friday, November 18th. Third Grade will perform at 9:00 am, Fourth Grade at 10:00 am, and Fifth Grade at 11:00 am. There will be refreshments, a visit to the classrooms, and a photographer to capture that special memory with your grandchild on both days.
  • Breakfast with Santa will be Saturday, December 10th, from 8:00 am until 10:00 am in the Dining Hall.  Reservations are required and the cost is $10.00 per person. Click HERE to download the digital reservation form.

Classroom News

  • Fourth grade visited the Savannah Children’s Museum on Monday, November 7th. Students learned, rehearsed, and performed skits which focused on the 13 colonies!  They even got to “boogie” to the Bill of Rights!

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  • Second grade students have completed their first book report! Each student presented their report to the class practicing our public speaking skills, They were also able to use their creativity to produce a pumpkin resembling the main character of the book. The pumpkins were proudly on display in our hallway.   Second grade also visited the Savannah Children’s Museum on Tuesday, November 8th. They participated in The Weather Show!

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  • Our first group of fifth graders spent the week at STARBASE! STARBASE is a premier educational program, sponsored by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs.  At DoD STARBASE students participate in  challenging “hands-on, mind-on” activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). They interact with military personnel to explore careers and observe STEM applications in the “real world.”  What a terrific experience!

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Resource News

  • In art, students learned about the Russian Geometric Abstract artist, Wassily Kandinksy.  They studied geometric and organic shapes, different types of lines, and the proper use of a compass to create circles. Students then created their own geometric designs and colored with colored pencils and used techniques for coloring using a circular motion and varying pressure.


Did you Know?

  • Second Quarter midterms will be published to NetClassroom on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 16th for all grades.  PreKindergarten and Kindergarten will also receive a hard copy.  If you need help accessing NetClassroom, please be in touch with Cindy Burnsed at