Girls Engineer It Day
The Savannah Coastal Empire Society of Women Engineers is hosting its annual Girls Engineer It Day (GEID), Saturday, September 17, 2016. The event is held at Woodville-Tompkins High School from 12:30 – 5:30 pm. In celebrating the 5th year anniversary of GEID, organizers have moved the event from January to September. The SCPS Science and Engineering Club typically registers a group of students for the event each year. GEID is promoted as a female event, but male students are allowed and attend every year. There are also information sessions for parents conducted during the student activities and parents attend for free.
The link for additional information is
Please feel free to email Mrs. Barnwell at with questions.
Make-Up Pictures
Senior Group Picture
Upper School Clubs and Organizations
This past Wednesday at chapel we went over the various clubs and activities that are available at the Upper School. Please encourage your child to get involved by joining a few clubs. It is good for them to be involved in service to others, to be able to meet new people, and to be able to have activities that they can put on their resumes. Students may begin joining clubs at this time. The descriptions of the clubs and organizations that are available are listed below. Please email club sponsors with any questions you may have. — Ms. Sasser
Awakening: Student-led Bible study for students who would like to learn more about Christ. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: Fridays at lunch, Mrs. Wetmore’s room. Dues: none. Sponsor: Jackie Wetmore. Contact info:
Backpack Buddies: Students help compile packages of food to distribute to underprivileged children in Chatham County. While some area students qualify for free breakfast and lunch on school days, there is often not enough food at home over the weekend. These packages of food are given to these students on Fridays, and the packages contain enough food for the weekend. All interested students are welcome. Meeting Date/Place: Tuesdays at lunch beginning September 18th, Mrs. Shepherd’s room. Dues: None. Sponsor: Mrs. Shepherd. Contact info:
Beta Club: recognizes sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are high academic achievers. Inductees must also have exemplary conduct. Members must have semester GPA’s of 88 or above in all classes. By invitation only. Meeting date: 1st Wednesday of the month at lunch. Dues: TBA . Sponsors: Dana Goodman and Cathy Royal. Contact info: and
Book and Film Club: Members read books, watch films, and discuss. All interested students are welcome. Meeting Date/Place: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at lunch , Mrs. Wright’s room. Dues: None. Sponsor: Mrs. Wright. Contact info:
Chess Club: Students engage in fun or competitive chess. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: Wednesdays at lunch, Mrs. Colter’s room. Dues: none. Sponsor: Deedee Colter. Contact info:
Environmental Club: Students work together to keep our campus/Eden (200 acre nature center) clean. All interested students grades 9-12 are welcome. One Saturday workday of the 2-3 scheduled is required. Signed permission form required. Meeting date/place: 2nd Wednesday at lunch in Room FA 5. Dues: $5. Sponsor: Bob Graham. Contact info:
Fine Arts Club: Students will create a portrait in oil paint for children in need in different countries around the world. All levels of experience welcome. Meeting date/place: Thursdays, 3p-4pm in the Eckburg Art Room (September, October, November). First meeting TBA Dues: $15. Sponsor: Dana Richardson. Contact info:
The Focus Group: Service club that helps people focus through tough times. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: Every Monday at lunch in Upper School Gym. Dues: $5 Sponsor: Debbie Fairbanks. Contact info:
French Club: students who are taking French who are interested in French language and culture. Meeting date: 2nd Tuesday of the month. Dues: $10. Sponsor: Patty Peebles. Contact info:
French National Honor Society: recognizes those who excel in French classes. 2nd semester French II students and above, by invitation only. Meeting date: Wednesdays at lunch. Dues: none. Sponsor: Patti Peebles. Contact info:
International Travel Opportunities: All interested students are welcome. Sponsor: Melanie Shepherd. Contact info:
Karaoke Club: Karaoke Club is a creative outlet for students to get to sing the songs of their choice. Meeting date/place: 2nd & 4th Mondays at lunch in the Upper School Gym. First meeting TBA. Dues: None. Sponsor: Evan Haire. Contact info:
Key Club: Students perform community service for SCPS and our community. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: 3rd Wednesday of each month at lunch in the Media Center. Dues: $15 (checks made out to SCPS). Sponsor: Beth Sasser. Contact info:
Literary Team: Students participate in literary competitions. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: Does not begin until 2nd semester . Dues: None. Sponsor: Melanie Shepherd. Contact info:
Math Team: Students participate in math competitions. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: Does not begin until 2nd semester . Dues: None. Sponsors: Mary Ann Dudley and Toy Byrd. Contact info: and
Military History Club: students who are interested in Military History. The club holds events on weekends throughout the school year. Completion of one of the Upper School’s war electives (American Civil War, World War I, World War II or the Cold War) is preferred. Interested students should see Mr. Barnwell. Meeting date: TBA. Dues: None. Sponsor: Ashley Barnwell. Contact info:
Mu Alpha Theta: Open to any Upper School student who has completed 2.5 years of college prep mathematics. Members tutor other students in math. Meeting date: Thursdays before school . Dues: $10. Sponsor: Terry Page. Contact info:
National Honor Society: recognizes 2nd semester sophomores, juniors, and seniors with cumulative GPA’s of 90 or above (checked each semester). Inductees must be taking at least one advanced or AP class and also have exemplary conduct. Community service is required of members. Meeting date: 4th Wednesday of month at lunch. Dues: $10. By invitation only. Sponsors: Melanie Shepherd and Evan Haire. Contact info: and
Political Debate Club: Members engage in debates about politics, Supreme Court decisions, and current issues. All interested students are welcome. Meeting Date: 1st and 3rd Thursdays at lunch. Sponsor: Sarah Dressel. Contact info:
Rho Kappa: This is a social studies honor society. Students must be at least a sophomore, must have completed at least two social studies classes, must have all A’s in social studies classes, and must have an overall GPA of 88 or above. Sponsors: Steven Edenfield. Contact info: Dues: $10.
Quiz Bowl: Members compete in weekly academic competition matches and tournaments. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date: Thursdays at lunch. Dues: None. Sponsors: Steven Edenfield and Langley Meredith. Contact info: sedenfield@savcps.comand
Savannah Christian Service Club: Participation in community service projects. Members are required to volunteer 5 hours of community service each month. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: TBA. Dues: TBA. Sponsor: Mrs. Marsh Pierce. Contact info:
Science and Engineering Club: Members meet monthly to explore interests in Science and Engineering. The club supports the guest speaker “Lunch and Learn” series, Science Bowl and Engineering Design Team. Two additional opportunities this year include a new competition called Brain Bees and an after-school class for students wishing to learn computer coding. Dues: $10. Sponsors: The Science Department. Contact:
Science Bowl: Members compete in weekly academic competition matches and tournaments. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date: Tuesdays at lunch. Competitions are Saturdays in January and February at Armstrong State University. Dues: None. Sponsors: Dana Barnwell and Langley Meredith. Contact info: and
Spanish Honors Society: This is a national honors society for students who excel in Spanish and are interested in learning more about the language and culture. Students will explore the Spanish language and the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Eligible students must be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grades, must be enrolled in second semester Spanish II or higher, and must have achieved at least a 90% average for their cumulative high school Spanish courses. Please check our website,, for meeting dates. Dues: $5 annually and a one-time $5 induction fee. Sponsors: Christan Marsh Pierce & Michelle Minerva. Contact info: and
Students Helping Animals in Need: Participation in service for the Humane Society of Savannah. Members are required to donate one item each month. All interested students are welcome. Meeting date/place: 2nd Tuesday of the month during lunch, Miss Keane’s room. Dues: TBA. Sponsor: Miss Keane. Contact info:
Mid-Term is Tuesday, September 13th.
Please check your student’s grades on Tuesday to view midterm grades.
Note: Midterm grades are not recorded or used on any official documentation. They simply reflect your student’s standing in each class at the midway point of the quarter.