Surrounded by their children and grandchildren, Kevin and Libby Jackson slowly peeled back the paper covering the newly-installed plaque bearing their names. A long-time supporter of Savannah Christian, Kevin’s eyes filled with tears as he shared his love for the school and the importance of his faith and family. Libby, a member of the SCPS Board of Trustees, smiled as he recounted his past and the moments that shaped the man he is today. “You never know the effect you’re going to have on a kid,” says Kevin, as he recounts the impact his high school coach had on his life and his hopes for the SCPS students who will now utilize the weight room that bears his name.
SCPS Headmaster Chris Harmon Ed.D. opened the small ceremony in the Eckburg Building. In attendance were Libby and Kevin’s children and grandchildren, as well as SCPS leadership and staff. A quote from Kevin was added above the weight room windows to encourage students. SCPS Head Football Coach Baker Woodward thanked the Jacksons for their generosity and acknowledged their gifts to the school, in both time and financial support.