Exciting changes are in the works to welcome our Middle School “Home” to Chatham Parkway. Dr. Harmon will host two informational meetings on the DeRenne Campus to share the progress made, our next steps, and what you will see in the next few months on Chatham Parkway. We hope to see you at one of the meetings below:
Tuesday, November 8th
8:00 a.m. and/or 6:30 p.m. – DeRenne Campus Cafeteria
Fall Sports Banquet:
November 14, 6:30 p.m., Middle School gym
Basketball practice days:
5th Girls @ Chatham Old Gym – Tuesday 6:30-7:45, Thursday 6:30-7:45 (Split court w/ 5th boys)
5th Boys @ Chatham Old Gym – Monday 6:30-7:45, Thursday 6:30-7:45 (Split Court w/ 5th Girls)
Beginning mid-November boys will be required to wear ties.
Note: The Middle School will not be required to make up any school days missed due to Hurricane Matthew. Enough instructional time is built in to the master schedule to accommodate for this.
Snapshots and Happenings
Students in Ms. Rea’s science class created a scaled slice of the Earth’s interior. By measuring, coloring and labeling their creation, students can see the relative sizes and differences in composition of Earth’s internal structure .
8th grade Physical Science classes create atom models.
Class pictures were taken after chapel on Wednesday. What a great group of Raiders!!
Congratulations to our 7/8 football team on winning the SPAL Championship this week against Calvary!
Thanks to Ms. Lee and her students in Ephesians class. They cited Bible verses giving thanks to God for all the blessings He provides us!