Save the Date
- May 9: Fourth Grade Field Trip to Oatland Island
- May 9: PreKindergarten Bowling Field Trip
- May 11: Band Mouthpiece “Try It Out”
- May 12: 8:45 am Barnabas Chapel & Chapel to honor Dr. Palmer
- May 15: 9:00 am Talent Show in Eckburg
- May 16: 6:30 pm 4th and 5th Grade Girl Human Growth and Development Program in Blue Room
Christ in Action
- Lower School celebrated National Day of Prayer chapel on Thursday, May 4th, at 8:45 am in the Dining Hall. Mrs. Ivey’s class led the chapel with Psalms and prayers the students had written themselves. Sweet handwritten prayers were also given to members of leadership.
What’s Coming Soon?
- Yearbooks are here!!! They will be unveiled at chapel and handed out on Friday afternoon (May 12th). Online orders can be placed through the 12th. After that day, any yearbooks left will be sold directly from the school (no online payments). Download the Yearbook order form.
- Raider Football Spring Practice for rising fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth graders will take place the week of May 8 through May 12. Click HERE for more information.
- MS Cheer Tryouts (for rising sixth grade girls) are May 16 – 18, 2017. Forms must be turned in by May 12th. Click HERE for the information packet and HERE for the judging rubric.
Special Recognition
- Garden City and Mayor Don Bethune sponsored a coloring contest for Grade 5. Our students used colored pencil and did an awesome job! On May 1 three students were invited to the City Council Meeting and were awarded framed certificates by the mayor for their excellent work First place went to Avery Potts, second place to Victoria Kennedy and third place to Katie Cowart! Congratulations to all three!
Classroom News
- PreKindergarten has been talking about plants and watching their own grow quickly inside our classroom. Each day students make sure that they are watering them and that the plants are getting the sunlight they need!
- Our Kindergarten students have been studying the moon. We may have some future astronauts in the Raider family. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated by these Kindergarten students!
- Kindergarten is ready to “climb the beanstalk” to First Grade! Check out the cute door of Mrs. K Wells.
- Second grade celebrated children’s book week by creating a book report that incorporates all the story elements that we have learned this school year. Their creative reports were enjoyed by everyone in the Lower School.
- Mr. Anthony Broadnax, US Band, Mrs. Jenee Hobgood, MS Band, and Mrs. Rebecca Maish, LS Music / US Percussion, presented a Band Concert to our third through fifth graders. What a treat!! There was talk that Mr. Broadnax “dabbed” at the end and the crowd went wild!
- Miss Puff’s Fourth Grade math students have been working on an especially hard concept: long division! It was time to break out the chalk and do some sidewalk math.
Resource News
- Congratulations to our Reflections Art winners! Their work was on display in the Eckburg Center during Reflections week in our very own art gallery. Lower school students were able to take a short field trip to Eckburg to see all the artwork from SCPS students. Reflections 2017 Award Recipients
- Our students in PreKindergarten through First Grade transformed themselves into their favorite story book characters in SCPS Book Character Parade last week. How adorable!
- The after school Artist Workshop for Kindergarten through Second Grade created beautiful mixed media artwork!
- Mrs. Burnsed and the 2nd grade students attended the 17th annual Quick Think A Thon private school tournament. Pranav Tumarada from Mrs. Seller’s class represented SCPS and won first place! Mike Cihla from WTOC emceed the event. The children all learned valuable safety information and enjoyed a special presentation by Firefighter Marty Ellis from Southside Fire Department. The 2nd grade students will enjoy a pizza party to celebrate the big win! Go Raiders!
- It was a great night to be a Raider at the LS Night at the Media Center! Our 250 point Reading Counts achievers “crept” into the Media Center Friday night. The Akins building was transformed, and students were greeted with a photo booth, arts and crafts, computer games, hallway challenges, and a gym full of games. The night ended with a Glow in the Dark Dance Party! Thank you to our faculty and staff who came out to party with “Rex the T. Rex!”
Did You Know?
- Lower School families enjoyed Family Fun Night at the Pooler Chick-Fil-A! Mrs. Wenger’s class will enjoy a special lunch for having the highest percentage of participation! Well done!
- Jackie Wetmore, an Upper School Math teacher at SCPS, will be offering her summer Math Masters math refresher again this year. This is offered to rising fourth through twelfth graders at SCPS. Click HERE for more information.