Save the Date
- February 15: Welcome Home Wednesday for prospective families 9:30 am
- February 17: Georgia Day (Bring lunch from home!)
- February 28: Early Re-Enrollment Deadline
- March 27- 31: Lower School Standardized Testing
Good News
- Kush Patel, 6th grade, and Davis Stone, 5th grade, participated in the Round 1 GISA Spelling Bee at Memorial Day School on Thursday, February 9th. Fifth grader Davis Stone was one of the top five winners at the regional Spelling Bee. Davis will now go on to the State Spelling Bee in Atlanta to represent Savannah Christian Preparatory School. We are proud of you, Davis!
- SCPS’s Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society Induction Ceremony took place on Wednesday, February 8th in Eckburg. Forty-nine fourth and fifth grade students were inducted into the NEHS, joining our 37 current fifth grade members! All of our members are pictured in the featured image at the top of this week’s blog. Congratulations to these students for their scholarship, responsibility, service, and leadership.
Christ in Action
- Students who were nominated by their teachers for being “trustworthy” enjoyed a Barnabas BLT (Barnabas Lunch Treat) this past week.
- Dr. Palmer read The Invisible String in both Lower School chapels today. The book is a heart-warming reassurance that we are connected to those who love us by a invisible string.
What’s Coming Soon?
- The Lower School will be celebrating Georgia Day on Friday, February 17th. Students are encouraged to dress as a colonial child or Native American. (Please no face painting or toy props.) Fifth graders will come in their Wax Museum attire. Students will need to bring a lunch to school to be eaten in the classroom. We will begin the day with a parade, so please join us by lining up along the road behind the dining hall at 8:45 am.
- Tickets are now on sale for SCPS’s production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella at Trustee’s Theater. Performances are Friday, March 10th at 7:00 pm; Saturday, March 11th at 7:00 pm; and Sunday, March 12th at 3:00 pm. All tickets ordered will be delivered to your child’s homeroom teacher on Monday, March 6, 2017. ** The homeroom in each school division with the most ticket orders wins a Krispy Kreme doughnut party!”** Download your printable order form: Cinderella – Ticket Order Form.
Classroom News
- PreKindergarten celebrated Groundhog Day this week with treats, projects, and a prediction activity! What did SCPS PreKindergarten students predict? Six more weeks of winter!
- What do PreKindergarteners think they will be doing when they are 100? They will be sewing, rocking in rocking chairs, drinking coffee, being daddies, building snowmen, taking naps, and playing with their grandchildren.
- Kindergarten has been studying arctic animals and snow. Look at these cute examples of students’ very own snow globes.
- Fourth graders in Miss Puff’s reading class enjoyed the beautiful weather and read outside.
- All third grade students are excited to complete their Biography Project during the month of February. Throughout February, all third graders will be completing their own Biography Project. Students will select and read a biography book of their choice, design a free-standing doll of their person, create a journal entry describing the day in the life of their person, and give an oral presentation in class. After completion, students’ projects will be displayed throughout the lower school resource classrooms and hallways.
- Mrs. Brown’s fifth grade science classes made catapults! – “How do Newton’s laws of motion apply to a catapult? All three play a part. The first applies as the arm swings and launches the projectile. The arm continues to move until it is stopped and the projectile continues to move until gravity pulls back down or it impacts a structure. The second law is shown by the projectile. The third comes into play as the catapult launches the projectile, it pushes down on the ground and slightly backward. The projectile itself uses the third law when it impacts.”
Resource News
- A 250 Reading Counts Award was given to Arianna Myers in chapel on Friday. Congratulations, Arianna!
- In Art, PreKindergarten watched a narrated reading of the children’s book, Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak. Students learned how to tell a story using pictures and created their own unique wild things. The wild things were cut out and placed on popsicle sticks to make puppets. Students drew an island landscape, a place for their wild things to live. The landscapes were cut and folded to make a stage for the puppets.