Hello! I hope everyone’s holiday was relaxing and enjoyable. When we return, we will have 9 weeks of school left. The year is flying by and this is the time we have to really focus and concentrate on finishing strong!
This will be my first post as Principal of the Upper School and I would like to thank all who have said so many positive comments. As the new principal, I want to encourage all returning students and parents, students and parents of SCPS 8th grade, new parents, and students to SCPS, and returning faculty for the 2017-2018 school year to attend a Town Hall meeting on March 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the Eckburg. This Town Hall is to provide insight into a few procedural and policy changes that will be made at the start of next year. In addition, the administration at SCPS Upper School would like to hear from you! We will also be asking questions of the parents and students concerning items for next year. This Town Hall will be the first in a series to continue our journey together! Please come and help us to continue to “Rep’ the Prep.”
Please take the time to acknowledge all the parents, students, and staff that completed three days of performing Cinderella. What an amazing show! If you missed it, you will not want miss future performances. Our students are some the most talented and entertaining young people I have ever witnessed perform.
Athletically, please support all our spring sports! We continue to shine in baseball, soccer, track and field, tennis, golf, and lacrosse! Well done coaches and players! Please check the Raider Athletic Website for schedules.
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
Remember- work hard this final quarter and lets finish the race! See you Monday 3/20!
Be safe and “Rep’ the Prep!”