Upper School Christmas Decorating Contest 2016
The Upper School will again hold its Homeroom Decorating Contest this Christmas Season. The Student Council, led by President Victoria Randall, has organized four prize categories including the Headmaster’s Award, Most Spiritual, Most Creative and Tackiest. A separate group of faculty will judge each category. Decorating will commence this week and the deadline is 9 December. Judging will take place on Monday, 12 December.
In addition, there will be several non-uniform days with Christmas themes. See Below.
8th Grade Visitation
The Savannah Christian 8th Grade class will visit the Upper School and the Chatham Parkway campus this week. The 8th Grade will meet with Upper School students and faculty, tour classrooms, and tour the Chatham Parkway campus. The class will eat lunch at Chatham Parkway before returning to the DeRenne Campus.
Basketball this Week:
The Boys Basketball team will host the STEAM Academy on Tuesday, 29 November at 7:30 PM. The Boys and Girls teams will travel to McIntosh County Academy on Friday.
Concert Band Christmas Concert
The Concert Band will hold its annual Christmas Concert on Thursday, 8 December 2016 in Eckburg Center. The start time is 7 PM.
Upper School Exam Schedule: Fall 2016
Thursday, 15 December
8:25-8:35 Homeroom
8:40 – 10:10 1st Period Exam 90 Minutes
10:30 – 12:00 2nd Period Exam 90 Minutes
Friday, 16 December
8:25-8:35 Homeroom
8:40 – 10:10 3rd Period Exam 90 Minutes
10:30 – 12:00 4th Period Exam 90 Minutes
Monday, 19 December
8:25-8:35 Homeroom
8:40 – 10:10 5th Period Exam 90 Minutes
10:30 – 12:00 6th Period Exam 90 Minutes
Tuesday, 20 December
[NO HOMEROOM]8:30 – 10:00 7th Period Exam 90 Minutes
Additional Information on Exams:
If you do not have an exam during the second testing time, you may be excused with a note from your parents. You must sign out with the office and leave campus.
If you do not have an exam during the first testing time, you may come to school during the break with a note from your parents. You must sign in at the office with your note.
If you remain on campus and do not have a test, you must report to your regular class.
Upper School Students are dismissed at 12:00 Noon on the 15th, 16th, and 19th. Dismissal on the 20th will be at 10:00 AM. The Buses will run at the normal time on the 15th, 16th, and 19th. On the 20th the buses will run at 12 Noon.
If you leave campus during break, you may not return. You must remain in your class the entire testing time.