Oglesby, Matthew
Oglesby, Matthew Grade Level Chair- 11th Grade Boys, CAD, Environmental Science, Introduction to Computer Science Principles mattoglesby@savcps.com
Keller, Annie ’08
Keller ‘08, Annie 9th and 10th Grade Counselor and Grade Level Coordinator akeller@savcps.com 912-721-2204
Warner, Glenn
Warner, Glenn Introduction to the Faith, Understanding the Faith gwarner@savcps.com
Meredith, Langley
Meredith, Langley AP Language, Dual Enrollment English 1101, Dual Enrollment English 1102, Writer's Workshop lmeredith@savcps.com
Richardson, Dana
Richardson, Dana AP Studio Art: 2D, AP Studio Art: Drawing, Darkroom Photography, Drawing and Design, Digital Photography drichardson@savcps.com
Faircloth, Allyson ’08
Faircloth, Allyson '08 AP Calculus AB, AP Precalculus, Honors Algebra II, Algebra II afaircloth@savcps.com
Wetmore, Jackie
Wetmore, Jackie Dual Enrollment Calculus and Statistics, Dual Enrollment College Algebra and Precalculus jwetmore@savcps.com
Edenfield, Steven
Edenfield, Steven AP U.S. Government, AP U.S. History, Economics sedenfield@savcps.com
Colter, Deedee
Colter, Deedee Grade Level Chair- 10th Grade Girls, AP Computer Science, Personal Finance dcolter@savcps.com
Edenfield, Cheree ’88
Edenfield, Cheree '88 AP Seminar and AP Research, Journalism, Media Specialist cedenfield@savcps.com