Dear SCPS Parents,
It’s time to re-enroll for the 2017-18 school year utilizing our NEW online system!
You should have received your online re-enrollment invitation via the primary email address listed when you originally enrolled your student at SCPS. This email contains the instructions and personalized log-in information for your student.
If you or your spouse have NOT received this very import email, please contact Debbie Fairbanks at Due to the very busy nature of this time, please allow 24 hours for a response from Mrs. Fairbanks.
Please log-in and create your student’s account. If you re-enroll online by February 28, you will receive a $200 discount on the registration fee.
If you have a financial question, please contact Inger Prescott at Please allow 24 hours for Mrs. Prescott to assist you.
Thank you for choosing Savannah Christian Preparatory School. Our teachers, administrators, and staff are committed to serving Christ here by serving your family.
For His glory,
Wendi Patrick
Dates to Know
- March 7-9– Middle School Exams
- March 7–1st and 5th
- March 8–2nd and 4th
- March 9–3rd and 6th and makeups
- March 9–End of 3rd Quarter
- March 10–Teacher Workday/Student Holiday
- March 12–Daylight Savings Time
- March 13-17 Spring Break
- March 20-24–Standardized testing
- Spring Pictures have been rescheduled. Pictures will take place during homeroom on Monday, March 27th instead of Friday, March 24th. Students may come out of uniform that day. Remember appropriate outfits.
- March 28-31–8th grade trip to Washington
- March 24–Report Cards
- April 28– Middle School Dance
Middle School PTF
Snapshots and Happenings
7th Grade Plankton Race! Students studied the importance of plankton in our marine environment, then designed and built a model plankton to race!
Students create World War I propaganda posters in American History class.