Dates to Know
- Spring Pictures have been rescheduled. Pictures will take place during homeroom on Monday, March 27th instead of Friday, March 24th. Students may come out of uniform that day. Remember appropriate outfits.
- March 28-31–8th grade trip to Washington. Students received a handout on final info and this was emailed to parents Thursday morning.
- March 24–Report Cards
- April 28– Middle School Dance
Adventures in Etiquette is being offered to students! This hands on program is designed to give your son or daughter the opportunity to build self-esteem and increase CONFIDENCE in social and dining situations. The skills learned will boost self-esteem and help him or her successfully navigate through life! Students will have hands-on experiences with:
* Place settings
* ABC’s of Dining
* Appropriate behavior in a restaurant
* Components of a GREAT First Impression
* Host and guest duties
* Giving and receiving gifts
* Telephone etiquette
* How to interview with CONFIDENCE
The culminating event will be a five course meal a the Pink House to PRACTICE skills learned.They will each receive a corsage and boutonnière .
DATES: April 4,11,18 and May 2 event at the Pink House
TIME: 3:15-4:30
PRICE: $160.00 including the 5 course meal at the Pink House
Please make checks to Savannah Christian and give to Ms. Encapera at the first class.
Please email or call Janis Encapera at or 443-562-7374
8th grade Parents….see below for information about the Kleeman Scholarship!
Dear 8th Grade Parents/Students:
In the summer of 2011, the family of Joy Kleeman established the Joy N. Kleeman Scholarships. Four scholarships were established in the amount of $2,500 each. The candidates for these scholarships are Savannah Christian students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Candidates should be students with good academic credentials, community involvement and have an interest in pursuing a career in education. One scholarship is awarded annually to a member of each Upper School Class.
All 8th Grade Students are invited to apply for the 2017-2018 Scholarship for 9th Grade. The scholarship would renew annually provided that the recipient is making satisfactory academic progress. Please contact Janet Pigott in the middle school office for the application.
Middle School PTF
MS PTF Facebook page
Snapshots and Happenings
Ephesians students use graphic organizers to illustrate the armor of God.
Check out the progress towards our new middle school building!
Creating art in the sunshine…a nice way to end the day at SCPS Middle School!
Initiatives students taking Ms. Lee’s The Broadcaster class listen to a guest speaker from WTOC News. Mr. Dan is a videographer at the station.
Ms. Dixon’s class works on mapping the plot of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.