Good News!
- In early August we welcomed our DeRenne friends to the Chatham Parkway campus! It is so good to have them join their Raider brothers and sisters! They have made possible a smooth transition with their smiles and good spirit. It is a blessing to have our Lower School family together “under one roof.”
- A gift for children and teachers, alike, is that of new carpeting for Building 7! Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Danny Falligant, nine classrooms received beautiful new wall to wall carpeting during the summer!
- Aiden Lee, a third grade student, read voraciously over the summer. Upon returning to school he took Reading Counts tests and earned 396 points. He also read 1,796,671 words, earning a t-shirt that says, “I Am a Millionaire”! A certificate and t-shirt were presented to him in chapel.
Christ in Action
- The Lower School scriptural theme for 2016-2017 is Ephesians 4:3: “Be eager and strive earnestly to guard and keep the harmony and oneness of the Spirit in the binding power of peace.” To walk out that scripture, each staff member was given a t-shirt that features the word ONE, with the message, One Campus, One mission, One Goal. The goal of unity has been exemplified over and over by staff members reaching out to help one another in this year of transition.
- Chapel will be on Fridays at 8:45 in the Upper School Gym unless otherwise announced. Parents, grandparents and friends are cordially invited! Special thanks to Dr. Harmon for being our first chapel speaker of the year!
Toward the Goal of Continuous Improvement
- Articulation between Lower School and Middle School began August 5 with a meeting of teachers for Grades 5 and 6. Curriculum materials and goals were shared with supportive interchanges occurring between grade levels. A mutual goal is to identify those gifted in Math and to give them the opportunity to work above grade level.
What’s Coming Soon
- The Lower School Boosterthon program culminates, Wednesday, September 7. Thank you for your support!
- Fun Run for Pre-K through Grade 2 on Thursday at 9:15 at Soccer Field. Fun Run for Grades 3, 4 and 5 at 10:30 at Soccer Field. In case of rain, Fun Runs will be at Eckburg Center. Please plan to come and cheer on your child!
- No Homework Night on the first Wednesday of each month! No written homework will be given. However, previously announced quizzes, tests or projects will be due as assigned.
- Artsonia is our Lower School Art Museum online. Our fantastic art teacher, Michelle Gray, would love for you to read more about this program here.
- Midterm Reports will be available Tuesday, September 13. Click here to learn how to access your child’s midterm report.
Classroom News
- Pre-Kindergarten is learning about Community Helpers and will be baking cookies just like the baker in the story, Mr Cookie Baker this week.
- Fifth grade Math started out the year sharing about themselves using their math fact fluency problems. See if you can “figure us out”!
- Parents of fourth grade students received a special assignment. They wrote a love letter to their student that will be shared for a special project later in the year.
- Kindergarten will be celebrating “National Teddy Bear Day” on Friday, September 9, to support their study of the Letter T. Students will be bringing their favorite teddy bear from home.
- What’s in a name? A lot for our 5th grade students! They are brainstorming writing ideas using their names and learning a lot about each other at the same time.
- Students have many opportunities to visit the Media Center each week to check out books and to take Reading Counts tests.
Save the Date
- Homecoming – Friday, October 7
- Grandparents’ Days – November 17 (Pre-K – Grade 2) and November 18 (Grades 3-5)