Did you know that in our three year partnership with Booster, Inc. our school has raised over $150,000? That is AMAZING! The Boosterthon has enabled our Lower and Middle schools the opportunity to enhance every student’s experience at SCPS.
Dollars raised goes back into the classroom to provide additional resources for our students and teachers. Items purchased include: Chromebooks, laptops for teachers, document cameras, student response system, laser printers, iPads, Wi-Fi enhancements, a ceramics kiln, Flipforms, projectors, physical education equipment, art supplies, musical instruments, new fencing around playgrounds, brand new playground equipment, and much, much more!
The Boosterthon is a nine day program where the team of three encourages our children to focus on character building and community involvement in a fun atmosphere. The week concludes with a Fun Run for our Lower School students and a Color Run for our Middle school students.
If you haven’t already, log on to funrun.com to get your student registered!