Prayers and Safe Travel to All
The Upper School Staff and Faculty wish all safe travels during this weekend. Our prayers go out to all our families. Please take care.
Event Changes
With the approach of Hurricane Matthew several postponements and changes were made concerning planned homecoming events. Please see below:
School Wide Service Project: Postponed / Will be re-scheduled
SCPS-Claxton Football Game: Cancelled
Area Volleyball Playoffs will be held at the Eckburg Arena on Tuesday, 11 October, beginning at 5 PM
US Homecoming Dance: Postponed / Will be re-scheduled
Homecoming Court: Will be held during Half-time of the SCPS-SCDS Game. Senior Night activities will take place before the game. This game has been moved to Saturday, 15 October, Pooler Stadium, 7 PM.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, 17 October, Student Holiday, Faculty Professional Day
Wednesday, 19 October, PSAT Day
Friday, 11 November, Veteran’s Day Holiday
21-25 November, Thanksgiving Holidays