Dated 10/10/16 4 pm
After assessing both SCPS campuses and taking into consideration the status of our surrounding community, we are going to cancel school for the rest of the week. SCPS is still without power, and we are being advised that it could be the end of the week for power restoration.
All students will return to SCPS on Monday, October 17. Next Monday is not a school holiday. Hopefully, this will give all of our SCPS families time to travel back to their homes once power is restored.
If power is restored prior to Friday, we may have practices in preparation of our state playoff games for volleyball and for drama. Both of these are our of our control and are still planned as scheduled.
Dated 10/8/2016 11 pm.
School has been cancelled Tuesday, October 11.
Hopefully, all SCPS families were safe through the storm. Whether you stayed in town or evacuated, our prayers were with you and will continue to be with you all.
School opening has been postponed until Wednesday, October 12. This includes our daycare/preschool.
The SCPS campus has trees and downed power lines that need to be removed. While the buildings all appear to be in good shape, a full assessment can not be made until the power to campus is restored. Additionally, we want to provide time for our families to return to the area after the mandatory evacuation.
We will follow up with details concerning games and activities scheduled for the beginning of the week.
Because of the impending weather event of Hurricane Matthew, Savannah Christian Prep will be closed Thursday – Saturday, and all events will be cancelled.
School Information shared on Wednesday, October 5.
Because of the impending weather event of Hurricane Matthew, Savannah Christian Prep will be closed Thursday – Saturday, and all events will be cancelled.
Area Volleyball Tournament has been postponed with details forthcoming.
Varsity Football & Homecoming information:
Claxton vs. SCPS will be Monday, October 10 at 6 pm at Pooler Stadium.
Country Day vs. SCPS will be on Saturday, October 15 at 7 pm at Pooler Stadium.
Senior Night festivities will be held prior to the game.
Homecoming Queen presentation and announcement will be at halftime.
Homecoming Dance and service project will be rescheduled with details forthcoming.
All alumni events related to Homecoming are postponed at this time.
We will continue to communicate information in the coming days as needed by email, SCPS website, SCPS Facebook and my Twitter account @SCPSharmon.
The safety of our students and families is our top priority. We pray for God’s protection over each of you as we move through the rest of this week.
Chris Harmon, Ed.D.