In 2000 the SCPS Arts Council set out with a bold vision to advance the visual and performing arts for each and every student at Savannah Christian Prep. The bold vision has been fully realized with success stories such as Artz Blitz and the very popular Broadway musical held every spring. In addition the first Reflections Art Show was born, thanks to the hard work of these dedicated parents, as well as a very talented group of art teachers and student artists. Fifteen years later, a new group of committed volunteers has worked with our master art teachers to host an event which showcases the artwork created by students in PreK – 12th grade. This anniversary year will feature more than 850 works of art by our students.
The mother of three student artists at SCPS, Lucy Biemiller, has led the production of numerous spring musicals and Reflections Art shows. “The displaying of our students’ artwork in Reflections is an example of one piece of our SCPS mission statement: ‘Students will recognize beauty in all its forms.’ This amazing exhibition of art allows us to celebrate the God-given talents of our students.” Mrs. Biemiller will host a distinguished panel of judges on Friday evening. This panel, made up of local artists and professors from the Savannah College of Art & Design, will select winners from middle and upper school student submissions for awards including “The Headmaster’s Award”, “Best in Show” and placement awards in each category of art.
Reflections will be open on Saturday, April 23rd from 10am – 2pm in the Eckburg Center located on the Chatham Parkway campus. For the third year Reflections will be held in conjunction with Super Saturday, an event that draws over 1,000 members of the Savannah Christian Prep community to the beautiful campus to enjoy a carnival-like atmosphere.
The cover art is by Demetris Robertson, “Balance”; Sabrina Harn, “Hydrangea”; Anna Hagan, “Citrus”; and Sarah Floyd, “Tea Time”.