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Upcoming Events

  • !st 9 Weeks Exams–
    • Wednesday, 10/12 Periods 1 & 5
    • Thursday, 10/13 Periods 2 & 4
    • Friday, 10/14 Periods 3 & 6
  • Friday, 10/28 Picture retakes
  • Fridays are Spirit Days! Come in your Raider approved apparel with uniform skirts/pants.

Homecoming 2016



Check our middle school athletics webpage for physical packets and  game schedules:


1. Eligibility: 6th-8th grade boys
2. Parents and Athletes meeting Tuesday, October 4th 6pm
Chatham Parkway Wrestling room
(Those who came to the Raider Fest in August were told that the meeting would be Monday the 3rd; however, homecoming bonfire is that night; therefore, it is moved to Tuesday the 4th.)
2. Practice starts Tuesday October 25th and then on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5pm-6pm at Chatham Parkway wrestling room.
4. The season will run until the end of January/Beginning of February.
5. Sign up in the office this week.
Contact Coach David Ackerman, 912 224 5813 


Basketball season is right around the corner. Sign up sheets will be posted in the front office this week. Information about tryouts will be made available soon!

 Tennis Update

This week, the Middle School Tennis Team traveled to Richmond Hill on
Tuesday for a great match!  The girls won 6 – 0. The guys lost 2 – 4.
Every team member played their best!  Our girls’ singles players deserve to be recognized for their hard work, competitive spirit and Raider sportsmanship.  Way to go! Alex Hoffman, Lily Beth Redick and Lexi Polychrones!
Special Congratulations to all of our team members who are National Junior BETA Club members!  7th Graders – Jasmine Bakhsh, Angelina Goodman, Ally Goodwin, Lexie Goodwin, John Mauro, Addison Tyler.

8th Graders – Sarah Byrd, Alli DeYoung, Alex Hoffman, William Oliver, Isabel Ortiz, Brooke Pelkey, Lily Beth Redick.


MS PTF Facebook page

Yearbook App     


Early Year Special Pricing.  Order by Friday September 30th for this price.  Total cost will increase by $5 for the remainder of the Fall Semester Order Period (through12/31/16).

Yearbook  order form:  orderform-1

Parents, the “ReplayIt” link below will show you how to submit photos to the middle school for possible use in the yearbook. Contact Josh Kerkau at



Ms. Dixon’s Counselor’s Corner

Don’t forget to exercise!

We are at that point in the school year where stress can start to build. School has become routine and classwork is getting more rigorous. When stress starts to build it is important to find ways to outlet the tension students are feeling from their classes, friendships, and new sleep habits. One of the best ways students can relieve stress and stay healthy is to maintain daily exercise. Whether it is playing outside, swinging on the swings, going for a family walk, or playing a sport, exercise is extremely important to physical, mental, and emotional health. Studies show that exercise relieves stress, helps people to have a good nights’ sleep, gives people more energy, and all around fuels endorphins that ultimately make for happier human beings.

Sneak exercise into your study time.

Encourage students to take frequent breaks when studying. Rather than watching a show on t.v. or playing games on their phone, encourage your students to get fresh air—maybe run around the house a few times or do 50 jumping jacks; anything to get them moving! Students who exercise daily will be not only be healthier, but happier and less stressed.

Snapshots & Happenings


With the help of your Boosterthon dollars the middle school purchased modern seating and tables for our new media center! Here are some more pics from our Color Run! Thank you for your support!


color-run-1 color-run-2 color-run-3 color-run-4 color-run-7 color-run-8


Students showcased their talents in Wednesday’s chapel program. Latin, Spanish, Zumba, Drama, Chorus, Georgia History, and Band performed for students, parents, grandparents, and teachers. Many thanks to Ms. Fidler, Ms. Lewis, Ms. Oddi, Ms. Lanier, and Ms. Stembridge for all their help and a special thanks to Ms. Aultman for coordinating this special program.

