Students in lower school are quick to display how excited they are to have been in school for 100 days! Just take a look at our beautiful campus and you will see a multitude of little Raiders sporting their cool 100th-day shirts filled with fun items like pom-poms, sequins, wiggly eyes and even mustaches! There are also little Raiders who look more like they are old Raiders who have aged quite a bit. Walkers, canes, suspenders, cardigans, pearls and grey wigs can be seen all throughout our hallways as the students and teachers dressed up in their elderly best! Studying the value of 100, by counting, grouping, writing or enjoying a special activity with place value and groups of 10, our students and teachers are enjoying the opportunity to learn more about this special number. Pictured below, an elderly looking Mrs. Eileen Bel and Mrs. Whitney Eubank with their first-grade classes enjoyed building towers with 100 cups in a rousing boy vs. girls competition. Students in PreK paraded down throughout the lower school to celebrate especially with our dedicated staff in the lower school office while our Kindergarteners counted out fun foods and toys ’til their hearts’ content!
The 100th day of school goes well beyond our early elementary aged students. Every Raider has accomplished so much during this milestone in a school year. In those 100 days, they have met and learned from a teacher who loves Christ and loves his/her students. Each teacher is a skilled and talented educator who uses their classroom to present the wonderment of God’s beautiful world. Our administrators and support staff have come alongside our parents, teachers, and students to make each and every day at SCPS count on the path to developing the whole person to the glory of God!