Lower School PTF: Thursday, October 6, 8:30, Media Center
Homecoming Football Game vs. Claxton: Friday, October 7, 7:30 pm
Lower School Conference Day: Monday, October 17
Grandparents’ Days: November 17 and 18
Good News!
A little rain didn’t dampen the spirit of 78 fifth grade students and 19 chaperones who spent three days and two nights on St. John’s Island this past week. While on the ultimate coastal ecology field trip, our fifth graders spent their time at the camp taking classes like Seining and Entomology as well as exploring the beach, salt marsh, maritime forest, a freshwater swamp, and the infamous MUD PIT!
Happy 65th Birthday, Savannah Christian! Children celebrated on Friday with birthday cake prepared by our cafeteria staff!
Christ in Action
Friday’s Chapel program was led by Amy Martin, Lower School Media Assistant. Mrs. Martin shared the story of how God used Rev. George and Mrs. Harold Deane Akins to establish our school in 1951. The original mission of our school was, “The Bible first, then teaching students how to live and how to make a living.” Our focus is still the same as we focus on our mission statement of “developing the whole person to the glory of God” Mrs. Martin encouraged our children to look for the picture of Rev. Akins and his Bible outside of the media center.
What’s Coming Soon?
Friends of the Environment Poster Contest! Mrs. Lingle and Mrs. Gray will introduce this year’s poster contest during chapel on October 7th. Posters will be due by October 24th. Winners will be announced in chapel on October 28th.
Third and fourth grade students will focus on Keyboarding skills this month. They will receive daily instruction for 30 minutes, concentrating on correct finger position and accuracy.
Classroom News
Pre-K children enjoyed visits from several community helpers last week! They also learned about apples, played Apple Bingo, tasted different kinds and graphed their favorite type of apples.
Kindergarten will be learning the parts of the apple along with the life cycle of an apple tree. God loves us to our core!
Second Grade has begun our unit on weather. During this timely week, we have placed a rain gauge on our campus. We will be charting the inches daily.
Third grade is learning about the process of photosynthesis.
Fourth grade students have been learning about Patriot’s Day and wrote Patriotic Poems displayed in the hallway of building 6.
Resource News
Aiden Lee received his 500 Reading Counts award!
David Sonaike received his 250 Reading Counts award!
Did you Know?
Children may check our books or take Reading Counts tests beginning at 2:45 each day. Please see Mrs. Crosby, our Media Specialist to learn about this new procedure.
To maximize instructional time, we value the last 30 minutes of the school day. If a child is needed due to an appointment, please plan for check out to occur before 2:15. Thank you for your help!
Holiday care will be available on Columbus Day, October 10, from 6:30 am-6:00 pm. Consult their website to reserve a space, should you want this service.