Save the Date
- LS PTF Meeting, October 6, 8:30, Media Center
- Homecoming Week! October 3-8
- Homecoming Football Game vs. Claxton: Friday, October 7, 7:30 pm
- LifeTouch picture orders due October 7
- STARBASE: 5th Grade (Group 1), October 11-14
- Lower School Conference Day: Monday, October 17
- Report Cards come home: October 21
- Grandparents’ Days: November 17 and 18
Good News!
- Homecoming Week! Bonfire and Pep Rally, Monday at 6:00 pm!
- Special theme days all week: Pajama Day, Decades Day, Safari Day, Movie Day and Homecoming Day!
- Middle School will join everyone on the “Big Campus” on Friday to participate in the festivities, including an all-school Pep Rally in Eckburg at 2:10 pm!
- Don’t miss the Homecoming Game on Friday at 7:30 pm against Claxton!
Christ in Action
- Our Fifth Grade students have written their own prayers for our morning announcements this week. How precious are the prayers of a child. Thank you, Mrs. Connie Chambers, for bringing Christ into the center of your writing classes.
- See You at the Pole: Fifth Grade students led the student body in prayer at the flagpole in the center of campus on September 28. The occasion provides a national recognition of students’ right to pray at both public and private schools across the USA.
What’s Coming Soon?
- After School Activity Program (ASAP) is adding the following opportunities for our children: Adventures in Etiquette, Adventures in Cooking, Hip Hop Dance and SCPS Wrestling. A Brownies troop began last Friday and will meet in Akins, Room 121. See the Weebly website ( for more information.
Classroom News
- Buddy, a therapy dog, came to visit the Kindergarten classes on Friday. He works with Will Haire’s mom, JJ, in the Chatham County District Attorney’s Victim Witness Office. He is their newest Advocate!
- Mrs. Hayes’ first grade learned how to create a cloud in a jar! Using warm water in the jar, ice cubes on top and aerosol spray, a cloud formed just under the lid of the jar. What an amazing God we have to use this principle to continually provide us with the water we need!
- Third grade practiced writing complete and complex sentences by sharing their unbe”leaf”able blessings for a bulletin board.
- Pre-K children have learned about the five senses, experiencing different tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter) and tallying their favorite ones. It was a delicious unit that included popcorn. A feature on the senses from Brain Pop, Jr. culminated the study.
- Fifth grade is having fun solving tough math problems on their desks! They love using dry-erase markers to do it!
- Kindergarten will be learning about Nocturnal Animals in October – bats, owls and raccoons, to name a few. They will also take a bus trip to Holiday Farms to visit farm animals and to find a pumpkin to bring home!
- Mrs. Perry’s second grade class used candy corn for a hands on lesson for greater than and less than. They rolled dice to make numbers, and the candy corn became their greater than or less than symbol.
- What an exciting and fun homecoming week it will be for our third grade Raiders! We will take our third graders on a island hopping adventure through the Golden Isles of Georgia. Treasure maps, pirate adventures, island math games and coastal animals will be just a part of our exciting and informative week. Shiver me timbers! What fun we will have! Ahoy!
Did you Know?
- In a survey of parents in May, 158 mothers and dads responded. They described their children’s experience at SCPS as feeling “Loved,”” Taught well” and “Treated fairly.” 100% of respondents felt teachers “Cared about their child’s learning.”
- Narrative responses described strengths of the Lower School as:
- Dedicated teachers,
- Academic excellence,
- Christian teaching,
- Communication with teachers and administration, and
- Family centered atmosphere (a partnership between home and school). We appreciate all those who gave us their responses!