Save the Date
- Last day to order a yearbook at the Early Bird special price of $40: October 31
- Starbase (5th Grade Group 1): November 7-10
- Mock Election at the Lower School: November 8
- Veterans’ Day Chapel: November 9 at 10:00 am in Eckburg
- Welcome Home Wednesday for prospective families: November 9: *Please note the change from the LS Calendar sent home
- Veterans’ Day Holiday: November 11
- NEHS’s Operation Christmas Child Collection Week: November 14-18
- Book Fair: November 14-18
- Grandparents’ Days: November 17 and 18
- Thanksgiving Holidays: November 21-25
Good News
- SCPS Lower School students had outstanding First Quarter report cards! Special tribute goes to 82% of those in Grades 3, 4, and 5 for achieving honors!
- Seventy-two SCPS faculty, staff, students, and families came out to support Family Fun Night at the Pooler Chick Fil A. We enjoyed food, fellowship, and fun! Mrs.Wigand’s class had the highest percentage of participation with 42% of her class attending. This class will enjoy a Chick Fil A lunch in the coming days!
Christ in Action
- The August/ September Barnabas recipients were treated to a pizza lunch by Mrs. Burnsed. The Barnabas characteristic allows us to focus on developing character traits in our children as we strive “to develop the whole person to the glory of God”!
- Dr. Harmon spoke to the 2nd grade students about one of his favorite Bible verses, Matthew 22:37. The students learned what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. He even taught us the sign language version.
- The National Elementary Honor Society members will be collecting shoe boxes filled with toys, toothbrushes, crayons, pencils, socks, stuffed animals, and other school supplies for Operation Christmas Child. There will be tables for the boxes in each Lower School building November 14th through the 21st.
What’s Coming Soon?
- Next week Pre-Kindergarten will learn about Nocturnal Animals! Students will go on a flashlight hunt around the classroom looking for animals who are awake at night! Then, they will complete a nocturnal animals craft and will write about one animal they saw on their adventure!
- Fourth grade will visit the Savannah Children’s Theatre to participate in the 13 Colonies on Monday, November 7th.
- Second grade will visit the Savannah Children’s Theatre to participate in The Weather Show on Tuesday, November 8th.
- Grandparents’ Days are almost here! On Thursday, November 17, Eckburg will fill with the joyful noises of our PreKindergarten (9:00am), Kindergarten (9:45am), First Grade (10:30am), and Second Grade (11:15am). The older students will present their musical stylings on Friday, November 18th. Third Grade will perform at 9:00am, Fourth Grade at 10:00am, and Fifth Grade at 11:00am. There will be refreshments, a visit to the classrooms, and a photographer to capture that special memory with your grandchild on both days. Pictures will be $15 for two 5×7 photos.
Classroom News
- Pre-Kindergarten visited the fire station this week to tie into their fire safety unit!
- On Tuesday, October 25th, Pre-Kindergarten through First Grade celebrated the 50th Day of School! The students enjoyed a hula hoop and bubble gum blowing contest, a Sock Hop dance, and lots of 50th Day math and reading activities!
- Third grade created amazing folder stories about Hurricane Matthew. Students were able to express their thoughts and feelings about the storm. They also included a Bible verse.
- Our fourth grade students went on a “campus field trip” as they put their current ecology study into practice. Students hunted for biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) things in the Pecan Grove during a lab titled “Belly Botany.”
Resource News
- In Art Workshop, students learned about the fiber arts, folk art, and handicrafts of the Huichol people in north central Mexico. Yarn paintings were traditionally used to document life, relationships, and spirituality. Students created their own designs, inspired by the Huichol Yarn Paintings, on cardboard and then used yarn to fill the shapes within their design.
- The Friends of the Environment Club presented their Recycling Chapel on Friday morning. Thank you to Mrs. Lingle and these students for reminding us to recycle, reuse, and reduce!
Did you Know?
- Fifth Grade Recognition Ads!!
Congratulations to your student, “Seniors of the Lower School.” It is our time-honored tradition to recognize our fifth grade students with a quarter-page ad in the yearbook. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your student’s achievements (or embarrass them immensely). There are only 84 spaces for our fifth grade ads. Please reserve your space by November 11, 2016. After that date, any ads not purchased will be available to those parents or grandparents wishing to purchase additional ads for their child. To reserve your space, simply fill out the form and return to your homeroom teacher as soon as possible. Remember that all photos and copy are not due until November 30, 2016 and MUST be submitted digitally. Payment is not due until January 13, 2017.
- Report cards went home on Friday. Please sign and return the report card. A copy of the report card will be sent home for your records. Remember Mrs. Burnsed’s helpful hint of a special folder for passwords? This is a great place to keep report cards too! You may also view your child’s current report card on NetClassroom. Be sure to visit to access your child’s information. If you need help, please email Mrs. Burnsed at