Save the Date
- February 28: Early Re-Enrollment Deadline
- March 3: Barnabas Chapel for Loving
- March 6: Barnabas Lunch Treat for Loving
- March 27- 31: Lower School Standardized Testing
Good News
- Have you heard our great news? This week, Julie Murphy, Registered Nurse, joined our school staff! She will be available to all divisions of our school but her office will be in Building 7 (home of Grades 1, 2 and 3). Mrs. Murphy comes to us with highest credentials. She is a licensed Registered Professional Nurse with eleven years of experience in Georgia and South Carolina. A graduate of Liberty University, Mrs. Murphy brings a strong faith to her young patients. She and her husband are the parents of Ava and Andrew, Lower School students. We are delighted that our children will have the benefit of a registered nurse throughout the school day. She will be in touch with you should your child need her assistance. If there is medical information concerning your child that you wish her to have, please send that in written form or to her digitally at Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Murphy!

- Fifth Grade Basketball:
- The Girls’ and Boys’ fifth grade Basketball Teams had terrific seasons! Both competed in final tournaments with the Boys’ Team coming in second in SPAL. The girls were coached by Jim Shinn, father of Anna. The boys were coached by Carl Schneider, father of Colby. Both teams played hard and gained amazing skill during the season! The boys ended their season with an 8-2 regular season record and 10-3 overall. They advanced to the SPAL Championship game but lost to undefeated Savannah Country Day School. They brought home an impressive trophy as SPAL Runner-up! We are extremely proud of the boys and their outstanding season! We appreciate the efforts of Josh Nokes for working out the season’s schedule. We are most grateful to the coaches and the support of the parents for making it an exciting and memorable season.

- The girls ended their fifth grade basketball regular season with a 4-6 record. Only one of the fifth grade girls had ever played on a team before. They won their first play-off game to St. James but then lost in the semi-finals to undefeated Savannah Country Day School.

- SCPS’s Cub Scout Pack 11 participated in the Pinewood Derby last Sunday, February 19th. Scouts designed their cars for this fun event. Thank you to Cub Master Dennis Martin and Pinewood Derby Leader Robert Sprinkel for organizing the event. Congratulations to all of our scouts for their appearances in Victory Lane!

Christ in Action
- The Barnabas characteristic for March is Diligent. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9
What’s Coming Soon?
- SCPS’s production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella at Trustee’s Theater is approaching! Performances are Friday, March 10th at 7:00 pm; Saturday, March 11th at 7:00 pm; and Sunday, March 12th at 3:00 pm. Tickets are available through the SCAD box office.
- BOX TOP CLASS COMPETITION! February 1st- March 9th. The class that collects the most box tops will have a PTF Sponsored Lunch in the Pecan Grove. The second place class receives a free non-uniform day to be determined by administration and the class teacher. The class on EACH hallway that collects the MOST will receive a free ice cream party Friday on a day of the teacher’s choosing.
Classroom News
- Second grade classes spent a beautiful day exploring our city by trolley. Students learned about the unique layout of Savannah utilizing the squares. We also heard some interesting facts about our beloved city. Did you know that the first house with running water was in Savannah? This was even before the White House!

- Some of Mrs. D Well’s Kindergarten students were caught “clowning around”!

- Mrs. Bowen’s students listened with rapt attention as Mrs. Graham read a story aloud! Pre-Kindergarten learned about the Letter F this week! Students decorated and shared their own Letter F that included pictures of family, friends and their favorite activities!!

- Mrs. Perry’s students practiced their cursive and spelling words in shaving cream!

- Mrs. Parr (and her fifth grade students) enjoyed math instruction outside during this beautiful February weather.

- Third grade enjoyed investigating different kinds of rocks and minerals. Students used color, streak, luster, and hardness as identifying properties of rocks.

- Miss Crapse’s third grade class logged on to the Chromebooks to play “Kahoot” for a science vocabulary review! Who knew preparing for a quiz could be this fun?!

Resource News
- Fifth grade art has been learning about perspective and how to create depth in a drawing using the 1-point perspective technique. Students learned about diminishing size and how objects drawn smaller and closer to the horizon appear to be further away. By using a vanishing point on the horizon line, students aligned their objects in a cityscape.

- This week in music students learned about the piece “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Edvard Grieg. The students danced to this piece, learned the tale behind the piece (about Peer Gynt and how lying can actually get you in more trouble), and then played the song together on boomwhackers!

- One of the special things about the SCPS Lower School is the greeting you receive when you arrive in the mornings. At doorways and at carpools you are greeted with friendly smiles and assistance by students. Mrs. Joan Connelly works with fourth and fifth graders to prepare them to be safety patrols around the school each year. To be eligible for this special job, students must be nominated by their teachers at the end of their third and fourth grade year. It is an honor to be selected as a patrol. You must demonstrate excellent behavior to be eligible for consideration. We are very proud of our safety patrols and appreciative of the time and help they provide and are grateful to the parents who must make a special effort to get them to the school early each day and then allow them to remain late each day as well.

- Look at what’s cooking in Mrs. Encapera’s Cooking Class! Eti-Kit and Cooking classes are offered as part of our After School Program. What fun! Students get to cook AND eat!

- Fourth and Fifth Grade students celebrated Read Across America by participating in a Dr. Seuss Scavenger Hunt and Dr. Seuss Trivia.

Did You Know?
- “My Life Summer Experience” at Georgia Institute of Technology is launching their program pipeline at Georgia Tech’s Savannah Campus this summer. They are now accepting applications for the 2017 program at Georgia Tech. See their 2017 summer program flyers for the “Imagine Me Academy” for rising 3rd-5th graders.

Ga summer program brochure 2
Ga summer program brochure