Welcome Home Wednesday: December 7 at 9:30 am *See What’s Coming Soon below
LS “No Homework Night” moved to Thursday, December 8
SCPS’s First Annual Christmas Tree Lighting: Thursday, December 8 at 6:00 pm (Middle and Upper School Band Concert to follow at 7:00 pm)
Tacky Christmas Sweater/Shirt for students: December 8
Breakfast with Santa: December 10 at 8:00 am – 10:00 am
Spelling Bees: December 12 in the Media Center
Christmas Class Parties: December 20 at 11:00 a.m. (Dismissal at 11:45)
Christmas Holidays December 21 through January 4. Students return on January 5th!
Good News
Little Raiders visit the “big school.” Last week, Lower School hosted special guests from our PreSchool’s K3 program. The PreKindergarten teachers welcomed them with hugs! The children created an art project, went on a bear hunt, and a tour of the Lower School! We look forward to having these little ones apply to our PreKindergarten program!
Our sweet administrators became the “Treat Fairies” and passed out cookies and hot chocolate to the Lower School Faculty on Wednesday.
Mary Kelley wanted to share some pictures she took of a few of our happy fifth graders! We are watching the progress daily on the new Middle School!! It’s safe to say they are excited!
Christ in Action
Mrs. Gray presented a Chrismon ornament chapel with the help of some third grade artists. Students chose a design, created the ornament from a lump of clay, carved their design, painted it, glazed it, and baked it in the kiln. What a beautiful display of meaningful, Christian symbols.
What’s Coming Soon?
The Lower School will observe “No Homework Night” on Thursday, December 8th, next week (rather than Wednesday). We encourage our families to come out to the First Annual Christmas Tree Lighting at 6:00 pm, followed by the Middle and Upper School Band Concert at 7:00 pm! It promises to be a fun, family-centered evening.
SCPS’s next “Welcome Home Wednesday” will be December 7th at 9:30 am. Invite a family to learn why it’s always a GREAT day to be a Raider! Call Debbie Fairbanks at 721-2142 or visit the school’s website at HERE for more information.
The PTF Used Uniform Sale will be held on Friday, December 16th. Stop by and enjoy some great deals! The times are 7:30 am – 9:00 am, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm, and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Classroom News
Second grade classes incorporated the Thanksgiving holiday into their math curriculum by creating their own food menu with prices. The new menus were used to complete word problems.
Third Grade has been researching ecosystems using library books and online resources. Mrs. Wigand’s class used the Chromebooks on Friday to create a Google Slide based on their research of swamps, deserts, forests, and more!
First Grade is very excited about Christmas. We have already started sharing about our favorite Christmas ornaments and making gingerbread men. We cannot wait for Jesus’ birthday to be here!!
Student-led learning is being utilized in Fourth Grade. Walt Tindol taught his homeroom how to log into their Chromebooks.
Fifth Grade Authors are working on outlines for story and graphic story writing in Mrs. Chamber’s class! We can’t wait to read the finished works!
Resource News
Christmas merriment is abounding in Mrs. Gray’s Art classes! Stop by the Akin’s hallway to see Third Grade’s Elf Legs and Second Grade’s Reindeer Portraits.
Mrs. Crosby was so happy to award a Reading Counts certificate for 250 points, as well as Millionaire t-shirt to Bryson Koby! He has read 1,193,514 words!
Recycling Poster contest winners were announced in chapel on Friday. “Best in Show” went to Katherine Whalen (Fifth Grade). Winners were Jeremiah Eun (First Grade), Vanessa Johnson (Third Grade), Sidh Patel (Fourth Grade), and Dwiti Patel (Fifth Grade). Congratulations to these talented and creative students, and thank you to Mrs. Lingle and Mrs. Gray!
Did you Know?
SCPS’s Annual Fund and its contributors allow for valuable investments back into our classrooms. Mrs. Brown’s fifth grade science and social studies classes are in awe of her new 80” SmartBoard! Mrs. Brown stated, “I wanted a bigger SmartBoard so that I could better live stream and show videos in more detail than a smaller board. It also allows me to zoom in on primary sources (such as the chair Lincoln was in when he was shot or the original drawing of the cover of Harper’s Weekly announcing the 15th Amendment – you can see the line drawing, coloring marks, etc.). A larger board allows us to analyze the forensic evidence of JFK’s assassination better because we can better see each individual frame of the Zapruder film and overlay CAD drawings depicting various conspiracy theories.” Don’t you want to join her class?!
Thank to you our creative PTF for the Christmas bulletin board in Building 6. Mrs. Elton’s PreKindergarten and Mrs. Bateman’s Kindergarten classes made the ornaments for the tree! Merry Christmas!
Lower School chapels will be held in the Dining Hall at 8:45 am for the month of December.