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Save the Date

  • April 19: PreK & K Field Day
  • April 20: First & Second Grade Field Day
  • April 21:  Third through Fifth Grade Field Day
  • April 20:  Midterm
  • April 25: Barrier Island 2017-2018 Parent Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Dining Hall (This is for rising 5th grade/current 4th grade parents.)
  • April 27:  6:30 p.m.  Fourth and Fifth Grade Boys’ Human Growth and Development presentation in the Blue Room.  Questions, please email Mrs. Burnsed at
  • May 2:  9:30 a.m. Second Grade attends the Quick Think-A-Thon at Eckburg  
  • May 2:  Family Fun Night at Pooler Chick Fil A – 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Easter Fun!

  • The Easter Bunny came and visited Pre-K Wednesday morning. It was a great surprise!  The students showed off their finest Easter bonnets and ties during their parade.  How cute!


  • Mrs. Bowen’s and Mrs. Wenger’s classes did a science experiment to see if peeps would sink or float. Guess what?  They can float!

  • Second Grade learned about Palm Sunday and made their own palm branches.

  • Third Grade participated in an Egg Drop. Working like NASA engineers, students worked in groups to design packaging that would protect their eggs. Students had designated materials and were assigned the task of building a capsule to safely drop their “Captain Egg.” Students were given jobs like: product manager, designer, launch command, mission control, recorder, and mission inspector. Later they dropped the packages from the slide and revealed the results. They all had a BLAST, and every group safely dropped their egg.

  • Miss Crapse’s class enjoyed dying Easter eggs. This is by far her favorite Easter tradition: spending time together, gathered around a table, laughing, and enjoying the reason for the season!

  • Mrs. Wigand’s class videotaped an Easter song that was special to Third Grade this year. Click here to listen.
  • What do Fifth Graders do for fun the afternoon before Easter break?  Well, it looks both exciting and slightly frightening! Can YOU move an Oreo from your forehead to your mouth using nothing but hilarious facial contortions?

Christ in Action

  • Miss Puff’s Fourth Grade class presented a chapel based on Good News Bracelets. The green bead represents God’s creation. The black bead represents sin. The red bead represents Christ’s blood and Jesus’s death on the cross. The white bead represents the righteousness of Christ, and the gold bead represents heaven and eternal life.  Mrs. Van made a special appearance and closed the chapel with prayer.

  • Students enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Burnsed on Monday to celebrate earning the Barnabas Award for Diligence.  What a treat!  

What’s Coming Soon?

  • Field Days are quickly approaching! More grade specific information will be provided through teacher websites and emails.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school April 24th to April 28th.  This will be a great opportunity to find some good books for a fun summer of reading.  Our Book Fair theme for spring 2017 is Happy Camper Book Fair: S’more fun with books! This season’s Book Fair will be a fun wilderness adventure full of exciting activities and s’more books. We are still in need of parent volunteers! Please email Mrs. Crosby at if you are able to help.
  • Barrier Island Parent Meeting for fourth (rising fifth) grade will be held on Tuesday, April 25th at 6:30 pm in the Dining Hall.  Please come to hear more about the exciting ecology science trip for 2017-2018!

Classroom News

  • In Science last week, Mrs. Hayes’ class started a unit on how matter can change.  Students were given a piece of paper, a tissue, and a square piece of aluminum foil.  They made observations about how each one looked and felt. Then students  began our investigation:  How can you change each solid?  They could use tools such as scissors, crayons and glue to change the objects.  Some of their creations included making a dinosaur, an airplane, a mirror, a duck and a robot (Mrs. Hayes made a mustache)!  It was a fun way to change the objects they were given.  The students also discovered that some things can’t be changed back into their original forms.  

  • Last week, Third Grade students read “Boom Town and discussed being an entrepreneur in Social Studies. As an extension activity, students used Google Docs to create their own businesses. They named the business, explained their business’ specialty, and described what would make their business successful. Students then illustrated a model of their business.

  • Mrs. Wigand’s Third Grade class experimented with weather. Students made their own barometers. They discussed what a barometer does and how their barometers will work. They will measure the changes in air pressure throughout the week. Students also studied the different kinds of clouds, how they form, and what they can tell us about the weather. Students paired up to research an assigned cloud then made a 3-D mural of clouds. You can’t talk about clouds and not mention THUNDER!  Mrs. Wigand demonstrated the process of convection to show how a thunderstorm develops. Getting OUT in the beautiful weather, her class enjoyed a few Georgia Book Award books and God’s beautiful creations by reading at E.D.E.N.

  • After a Science study on the human body,  fourth grade students were put into groups to design posters. The posters could include the muscular or skeletal systems and major organs. This was a two day assignment. Mission accomplished. Well done!  Fourth Grade also created their own inventions.

  • Fifth Grade has been using sidewalk chalk to review their math concepts and has also been busy working in groups to make a mini-lesson to teach the class about fractions! The students taught their lesson, then made a Kahoot quiz for the class to take on their Chromebooks. We love to show what we know in 5th grade!!!

Resource News

  • Mrs. Gray worked with Fourth Grade to teach “Weaving with Ceramic Looms” in Art. Look at these beautiful creations.

  • Mrs. Burnsed has been working with Second Grade students on how to think quickly in certain situations.  SCPS is honored to host the annual private school tournament on May 2nd at our Eckburg.  One Second Grade student will represent SCPS in the tournament.  All of our students will be blessed by learning this valuable safety information.  Visit Mrs. Burnsed’s website to learn more  (click here–counselors-corner ).

Did You Know?

  • Mrs. Summer Bowen and Mrs. Allie Wenger were “showered” with love during our April faculty meeting.  We excitedly await the two newest additions to our Raider family!

  • When we return from Easter break, there will be 38 school days left before summer! Thank you, Miss Puff, for this encouraging reminder!