Poinsettias are only $12.00 each!!
The SCPS Concert/Marching Band and Color Guard will again be selling poinsettias as a fundraiser to benefit ALL of the band programs at SCPS. These are full, beautiful, quality plants grown locally at Oelschig’s Nursery. The plants come in a 6.5” foil wrapped pots (approx. 2-2 ½ feet tall) and are available in three colors red, white and pink. The Poinsettia will arrive the first week in December, plenty of time for early Christmas decorating
All profits from this sale go directly back into the band program. It is used to purchase sheet music, instruments and end of year awards. Some funds are also used to participate in events such playing “host” band on home nights, competition visuals and fees, paying for faculty dinners at end our of year banquet, supplying meals and other snacks for the kids throughout the year, and covering the small things that don’t fall under Mr.Broadnax’s budget.
Deadline to turn in orders is Thursday, Nov. 3rd
Please see one of our band/colorguard members to order today!
The student you order from will deliver your poinsettia to you the first week in December.
If you have any questions please contact Christine Post at